(11 Oct, 2009)
“For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility...” Ephesians 2:14
Please pray for the people of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the oldest civilizations on earth and is in the center of Africa. Please pray for God’s blessing on the country, that everyone who truly seeks God will find Him, and that the country will experience prosperity after many years of hardship in the last decades.
Why should you go to church, if there is one near you, or gather with other Christians? Here are 7 reasons for you to consider.
- God wants you to connect with other Christians.
- You can learn from godly teaching and become a stronger Christian.
- You can worship God and bring Him honor and glory as you worship Him in the congregation.
- You can learn how to study the Bible from others
- You can get to know other Christians who can affirm you and help you.
- You can give to God, both financially and in serving others within the church.
- Your family can grow as Christians.
Will your church be perfect?
Of course not;
because the church is made up of people, and all of us are not perfect.
However, we are forgiven in Jesus Christ;
we can be filled with God’s Holy Spirit;
and, even though we are not perfect,
the Bible says we as the church will be the bride of Christ.
Since Jesus Christ loves us in spite of our imperfections,
let us all love God and love others as we seek to serve Christ together.
- God will spread His peace and joy and love through you in Jesus Christ to the world around you
- God will help you to be a blessing to Him and to others at church and everywhere
- God will protect our staff at Global Media Outreach and fill us with His Holy Spirit
THANK YOU for your prayers.
Someday we can meet in heaven and rejoice in all that Jesus Christ has done in your life and in ours. In the meantime let us pray together that God’s kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.
May God bless you,
prayerletter@ichristianlife.comsubject to copyright of www.ichristianlife.com
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